• Premarital Counseling | Prepare & Enrich

    Premarital Counseling is a therapy for couples preparing for marriage. The therapists at Twin Cities Psychology and Couples Center are trained providers of PREPARE/ENRICH. PREPARE/ENRICH is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to look at key areas of a relationship. The therapists will identify the strength and growth areas of the relationship and lead the couple in a therapeutic approach to addressing:

    Beliefs and values, finances, communication, roles, sex & intimacy, family relationships, parenting, decision making, conflict resolution, spirituality and couple differentiation. Both couples complete the assessment separately and the results are reviewed together with the therapist.

    Premarital therapy can take from as little as 3-5 sessions or as much as needed to process and access the relationship dynamics of a couple’s interactions. Our therapists will make assessments and recommendations on whether more therapy is needed, depending on what you are working on and your relationship goals. The PREPARE/ENRICH assessment will be completed before the couple attends the first session. During the next few sessions the results of the assessment are reviewed, any growth areas are discussed and other important topics are addressed. Please contact our office with any questions you have regarding Prepare & Enrich and pre-marital counseling.